June 9–11, 2017 Single Adult Weekend
at the Shore Harvey Cedars,
Long Beach Island, NJ Regional Multi-State Single Adult Retreat
All Ages Single to Single Again)
>>> Single Adult Retreats
sponsored by Harvey Cedars Bible Conference <<< (c/o Activities/Events & Christian Singles Groups)
>>>SUBSCRIBE TO GET EMAIL UPDATES<<< (This is a separate email list only for Harvey Cedars Singles Retreats.)
Each year this weekend fills up quickly!
But, with just a $50.00 nonrefundable deposit by phone
you can ensure your spot on this weekend. A $50.00 non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot
is due at
registration if paying by credit or debit card,
(2 Weeks if sending a check).
The balance is due by May 7, 2017.
Call Today to secure the room you want and to take advantage of a 10% Earlybird Discount!(ends March 15)
Harvey Cedars Bible Conferenceis tucked away in a quiet spot onLong Beach Island at the New Jersey Shore, and nestled between scenic
Barnegat Bay and the Atlantic Ocean with water views on both sides.
Single Adult Retreat Reservations: 609-494-5689 x614
Check out which room type you want (accommodations) and give Harvey Cedars a call.
Have your credit card ready and we will gladly sign you up in just a few minutes. Information / Pricing and accommodations
Office hours are Monday through Friday 9am–5pm Eastern Standard Time.
After hours, kindly leave a message with your name and number
and a good time to return your call during business hours.
• All the amenities of Harvey Cedars Bible Conference such as:
◊ The Bay and the Dock
◊ Strolls along the Beach or Bay
◊ Indoor Pool and Jacuzzi
◊ Game Room and Lounge
◊ Fitness Center and Gym
◊ Basketball, volleyball, ping pong, etc.
◊ Tennis Courts (bring your own racket and tennis balls)
◊ Sand Vollyball
Locally (not included in retreat):
• Free time to tour the local sights on your own, such as Barnegat Lighthouse and local shops.
• Walking the Beach & Swimming in the ocean
• Bike Riding
• Antiquing
• Miniature 18-Hole Golf
• Sailing and Kayaking
• Surf or Deep-Sea Fishing
• Surfing or Wind Surfing
• Crabbing
June 9 – 11, 2017 Singles Weekend Room Rates, per person, triple, double, or single occupancy as listed below: (Be sure to call 609-494-5689 x614 BEFORE March 15 for 10% discounted rates.)
BEFORE March 15:
• Bayview Lodge:
- triple occ per person $220
- double occ per person $255
- single occ $370
• Poolside Lodge or Victorian Hotel with private bath:
- triple occ per person $180
- double occ per person $205
- single occ $310
• Bunk Style with shared bath, triple occ per person: $170 (Single or double occupancy is not available for bunk style accommodation.) AFTER March 15:
• Bayview Lodge:
- triple occ per person $250
- double occ per person $290
- single occ $425
• Poolside Lodge or Victorian Hotel with private bath:
- triple occ per person $205
- double occ per person $235
- single occ $355
• Bunk Style with shared bath, triple occ per person: $190 (Single or double occupancy is not available for bunk style accommodation.)
Prices for weekend singles conference overnight accommodations at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference include Friday & Saturday
overnight accommodations, Friday evening snack and activities, 3 meals on Saturday,
and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday, use of all facilities and admission to the conference, the afternoon sight-seeing cruise on Barnegat Bay! Saturday evening Concert! and the Saturday evening optional Talent Show!
Day Rate: To make provision for those who are interested in attending the Spring Singles
Weekend without taking advantage of the overnight accommodations, this option is available
for the weekend (including all speaker sessions and meals) for just $100.
Friday dinner and the Barnegat Bay Boat Ride on Saturday afternoon are not included in the day rate but may be added for $10 each and require pre-registration.
Ministry and fellowship...not to miss, with new friends and memories to treasure!
Afternoon optional sight-seeing cruise on Barnegat Bay.
Actual May 19, 2012 photo of single adult attendees
on Barnegat Bay sight-seeing cruise.
If you want to go on the Barnegat Bay Boat Ride on Saturday afternoon there will be an additional $10.00 charge for those not staying overnight (registered day guests).
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information contained herein, the receiver willingly
all risks inherent with such use. The author/provider of disclosed
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content, errors, and/or omissions in information.
A Major East Coast Event
for Single Adults of All Ages
NOTE: Click on the various ***
*** for updated group and/or event information. Information
about any group or event is subject to change without notice. Contact
information is provided for verification.
Name: Bethlehem S.A.L.T. Ministry (Single Adults Learning Together) Sponsored by: Bethlehem Church
Location: 758 Route 10 West, Randolph, New Jersey (NJ) 07869
Contact (church): 973-366-3434 Contact (singles): Cathy Johnson, emaill:salt @ bethlehemchurch.org Day and time of main meeting: Bible Studies are generally held the1st & 3rd Fridays.
General types of activities: Bible studies, various social activities, service opportunities. Description of group: Bethlehem's S.A.L.T. Ministry exists to enable Single Adults to deepen their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ by providing a biblically based environment for ...
- SPIRITUAL GROWTH - By studying God's Word and applying it to our lives.
- SOCIAL INTERACTION - By creating a safe, nurturing atmosphere where everyone is welcome.
- MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS - By encouraging the development of strong committed relationships and the modeling of the Gospel to those who do not yet know the Lord.
- SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES - By responding to opportunities to share the love of God through outreach and service to individuals and our community.
Name: Island
of Malta Christian Singles Outreach (Age 35+) Sponsored by: New
Providence Presbyterian Church
Location: 1307 Springfield Ave, New
Providence, New Jersey (NJ) 07974 Contact (church): phone 908-665-0050
/ fax: 908-665-0297 / Senior Pastor: Rev. Jeff Ebert
Contact (singles): Walt and Karen: 908-889-3188 / email: office@pcnp.org
Day and time of main meeting: Usually 4th
Saturday, 7:30-9:30, Bible study and fellowship
(Call to verify) Schedule may change when the 4th Saturday
falls on a holiday weekend. Activity/event and meeting time may change
during the summer. (Call to verify) General types of activities / description:
Bible study, fellowship, light refreshments, casual dress.
Name: Young Adults / The
Gathering - a 20's & 30's Community Sponsored by: New
Providence Presbyterian Church
Location: 1307 Springfield Ave, New
Providence, New Jersey (NJ) Contact (church): phone 908-665-0050
/ fax 908-665-0297 / Senior Pastor: Rev. Jeff Ebert
Contact (singles): Walt and Karen: 908-889-3188
Day and time of main meeting: Sundays,
9:30 AM in the Prayer Tower Description: Join other 20s and 30s as
we meet each Sunday morning at 9:30 AM in the Prayer Tower for a
time of building friendships, studying the Bible and relevant topics,
and prayer. The group also meets for social events, serving opportunities
inside and outside the church, and meals.
Web: http://www.gatheringpcnp.blogspot.com
Name: Young Adults (Ages 18-29)
Sponsored by: Hawthorne
Gospel Church
Location: 2000 Rt 208, Hawthorne,
New Jersey (NJ) 07506 Contact (church): 1-973-427-6960 / email: questions @ hgcusa.org
Contact (singles/young adults): ? Pastor
Chris Farrell ?973-427-6960 (church office)
Day and time of main meeting: 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday, 7:45pm, Young Adults (Ages 18-29), Room: theLOFT (Y-401)
Every Thursday, 7:15 - 9:00pm, Singles Adult Bible Study, Lincoln Park area, NJ
Open to all Single Adults. The Study is from 7:15pm–9:00pm with fellowship following.
Healthy snacks or desserts are welcome.
Location: Private homes within 1 or 2 miles of Jacksonville Chapel (JVC).
To obtain the topic of study and weekly location, contact JVC at 1-973-334-6657
or email Rich (rjmanno @ gmail.com) or email Pete (petefin99 @ yahoo.com). Sponsored by: Jacksonville Chapel, 264 Jacksonville Road, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035
Contact (church): 1-973-334-6657
Name: Young Adults (Ages 18-26)
Sponsored by: Jacksonville Chapel
Location: 264 Jacksonville Road, Lincoln Park,
New Jersey (NJ) 07035 Contact (church): 1-973-334-6657
Contact (singles/young adults): John Dere /
jdere @ jacksonvillechapel.org
Name: Single Adult Ministry (Ages 40+, older or younger are welcome) Sponsored by: Calvary
Temple (Wayne, NJ)
Location: 1111 Preakness Avenue, Wayne,
New Jersey (NJ) 07470 Contact (church): 973-694-2938 Contact (singles): 973-694-2938 ext.
441, to hear this week's activity. Day and time of main meeting: To hear about activities, please call
973-694-2938, Ext. 441 (church office), or
Events are subject to change. If you
have questions/suggestions about any event
please call 973-694-2938 x441 and leave your name and phone number.
We will return your call. Please don't use e-mail for questions.
We cannot accommodate e-mail replies at this time. General types of activities: A wide variety
of functions, like Worship/Preaching, Prayer Night, Home
Fellowships, and Gym Night. On certain Saturday's, New York City
trips, Apple Picking (in the fall), Miniature Golf, etc.
Name: Christian Singles of North
Jersey / Most attendees 40’s and up. Sponsored by: Self-sponsored, non-denominational Location:
Faith Community Christian Reformed Church, 530 Sicomac Ave., Wyckoff,
NJ 07481 Contact: Rudy 1-201-337-7492 / email: csofnj@verizon.netCall to verify event
schedule. Day and time of main meeting: 1st Saturday, doors open 6:30 PM: Potluck dinner ($5 plus food to share).
Bring your favorite main dish, salad, soup or appetizer to share (to feed app. 6 people). Desserts, coffee, tea, soda and snacks will be provided. After dinner, there are varied programs such as game night, video night, music night (live), etc. General types of activities: Potluck dinners, occasional dances.
Name: Singles One Unto the Lord (S.O.U.L.) (New as of November 2011) Sponsored by:Pascack Bible Church
Location: 181 Piermont Avenue, Hillsdale,
New Jersey (NJ) 07642
(northern Bergen County in the Pascack Valley area, near the border of NY)
Contact (church): 1-201-666-2353 Contact (singles): pascacksinglesministry @ gmail.com Day and time of main meeting: 2nd Friday,
7:00 PM,
Singles One Unto the Lord (S.O.U.L.) Celebration monthly meeting at Pascack Bible Church, 181 Piermont Avenue., Hillsdale, NJ 07642
(downstairs below the sanctuary, back door). Day and time of main meeting: 4th Friday,
fun activity at different locations. General types of activities:2nd Friday--Socialize, have topics, a short sermonette, and worship but the focus is on socializing--strengthening each other through fun fellowship and celebrating the love of the Lord. Description of group: We have been going since November but we are still developing. We have a core group from several churches and we are ready to start reaching out to other singles and churches.
Name: Single Adults (Ages 30-55) Name: Young Adults (Ages 18-30) Sponsored by: Transformation Life Church (formerly Englewood Assembly of God)
Location: 190 Valley Blvd, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey (N) 07075 (former location: 70 W. Ivy Lane, Englewood,
NJ 07631)
Contact (church): 1-201-567-4576
Name: College
and Career
Sponsored by: Trinity
Baptist Church of Montville
Location: 160 Changebridge Road, P.O. Box 395, Montville,
NJ 07045 Contact (church): (973) 334-5045 / email: office@tbcnj.org General types of activities: Singles
Group Bible study and various activities, retreats
Description: The TBC College & Career Group is comprised of
singles and young couples, college-age and up. We meet regularly
for activities of fun, service, and spiritual growth.
Name: Singles Activity Group --> Find a Small Group
Name: Single Parent Fellowship --> Adult Ministries
Name: Young Adults Ministry --> Adult Ministries Name: College Ministry & Young Adults (Ages 18-29)
Sponsored by: Christ
Location: Church Street & Trinity Place, Montclair,
New Jersey (NJ)07042 Administrative Offices: 140 Green Pond Road, Rockaway, NJ 07042 Contact (church): phone: 1-973-783-1010
/ Fax: 1-973-783-0818 / Contact Us Contact (young adults): 1-973-783-1010 ext 270
Name: Young Adults Group (Ages 18-30) Sponsored by: Long
Hill Chapel
Location: 525 Shunpike Road, Chatham,
New Jersey (NJ) 07928
Contact (church): 973-377-2255 / fax: 973-377-8725 / email: info@longhillchapel.net
Day and time of main meeting: Wednesdays,
6:30–8PM, Fellowship Hall
Name: Single Adults (All
ages 35+)
Name: Young Adults (Ages 18-24)
Sponsored by: Evangel
Church Assemblies of God
Location: 1251 Terrill Road, Scotch
Plains, New Jersey (NJ) 07076 Contact (church): 1-908-322-9300
/ Fax: 1-908-322-9357
Name: Single Adult Gathering (Ages ??? 45
to ???) Sponsored by:First
Baptist Church of Westfield
Location: 170 Elm Street, Westfield,
New Jersey (NJ) 07090-3126
Contact (church): 908-233-2278
Contact (singles): ? Ed 908-232-4159 or Lil 908-889-4751?
Contact (singles): ?908-889-5269? or ?908-889-4751?
Day and time of main meeting: every Sunday,
9:00 am, in the lower level meeting
room called "Fellowship Hall."
General types of activities: Discussion group, winter movie nights,
summer picnics, holiday get togethers, and theater trips.
are welcome) Location: Redeemer
Lutheran Church, Eyland Avenue and
Unneberg Avenue, Succasunna,
New Jersey (NJ) 07876 Contact: Phone: (973) 584-6300 / email: spiritmouth @ redeemeronline.net Come and enjoy an evening out with some
fine coffee and refreshments, as well as a variety of musical entertainment.
Name: Liquid (Singles, marrieds, and families
of all ages are welcome) General types of activities: Sunday worship
services geared to a "new generation”.
See web site for other social activities. While our congregation is probably
still over 50% singles at this point,
we are a cross-section of all ages and family situations. Singles, marrieds,
and families of all ages are welcome.
In fact, we have a childrens' program to address the needs of our growing
family contingent. Morristown, NJ ~ Sundays, 10:30 AM | 4:00 PM | 6:30 PM: Location: The Hyatt Morristown at Headquarters
Plaza, 3 Speedwell Avenue,Morristown,
New Jersey (NJ)07960 Liquid Church office: 96 Speedwell Ave., Morristown,
NJ 07960 (across the street from the Hyatt)
Contact: 973-879-8655 / times, location, directions/ contact
us/ email:info @ liquidchurch.com
Name: Single Adults (All
ages 35+)
Name: Young Adults (Ages 18-24)
Sponsored by: Evangel
Church Assemblies of God
Location: 1251 Terrill Road, Scotch
Plains, New Jersey (NJ) 07076 Contact (church): 1-908-322-9300
/ Fax: 1-908-322-9357
Name: College & Career (Ages 18– 30) Sponsored by: Grace Bible Church
Location: Squankum Allenwood Road, Allenwood (Wall), NJ 08720 Contact (church): 1-732-938-3111
Name: Single Adults (Ages 50+) ??
Name: Young Adults (Ages 19–29)
Sponsored by: Princeton
Alliance Church Location: 20 Schalks Crossing Road, Plainsboro,
New Jersey (NJ) 08536
(Corner of Schalks Crossing
Road and Scudders Mill Road, Plainsboro,
Mailing address: PO Box 9000, Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Contact (church): phone 609-799-9000 / Fax: 609-799-5650
Day and time of main meeting: ?? MOSAIC
(Age 50+), most Friday nights,
7:30 pm. ??
Day and time of main meeting: Young Adults
(20s), Wednesdays • 7 - 9 pm .
Name: Single Adult Ministry(Ages 40+) Name: Young Adult Ministry(Ages 18–30) NOTE:You must regularly attend Calvary Chapel of Old Bridge for a minimum of six months, and complete a Ministry Application to serve in most ministries. For specific information, contact the Church Office at (732) 679-9222.
Sponsored by: Calvary Chapel Old Bridge Location: 123 White Oak Lane, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857
Mailing address: PO Box 569,
Old Bridge, NJ 08857-0567
Contact (church): phone 732-679-9222
Name: Williams
Home Fellowship (former website: http://www.williamshomefellowship.com)
Sponsored by: Self-sponsored
Location: Watchung, New Jersey
(NJ)07069 ask about parking
Parking: Union Village United Methodist Church, 1130 Mountain Avenue,
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Contact: email: mail@williamshomefellowship.com ??? Day and time of main meeting: 1st
Saturdays, 7:30 PM(meeting starts
8PM) General types of activities: Worship,
a message, and fellowship.
Name: Mature Christian Singles Sponsored by: Self-sponsored
Location: Toms River, New Jersey (NJ)area
Contact: Marian D. Rodgers / 908-910-1827 / email madr1265@aol.com Day and time of main meeting: Dates and Times Vary.
General types of activities: Wholesome events…from movies, to fall festivals, Christian Concerts, Christmas Shows right now have 10 events planned ...will be adding more regularly.
Name: Ocean County Singles Fellowship Contact: Alice or Mark 732-929-3052
Name: Fall Singles Weekend at America's Keswick
Sponsored by: America's Keswick Christian Conference
and Retreat Center
Location: 601 Route 530, Whiting,
Contact: 1-800-453-7942 / 1-800-4-Keswick Be sure to sign up early!
Seotember 9 – 11, 2016(Fri, Sat, Sun)
Christian Singles Summer Beach Get-Away,
Ocean City, NJ Fellowship with new friends from many churches and areas.
Enjoy a time of praise and worship on the 7th Street beach, weather permitting.
Overnight accommodations:The Ark Retreat Center.
Location: 632 Wesley Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226. [photos]
The Ark is located a few blocks from the boardwalk and is near the historical Ocean City Tabernacle Church.
The Ark is equipped with a game room, upstairs balcony and large kitchen area.
There is no air conditioning.
There are no elevators and ground level accommodations are not available.
Bring blankets, towels, toiletries, fan, etc.
Bring money to pay for beach pass.
Cost:$64.00 per person includes Friday & Saturday night lodging.
You can bring your own food and soft drinks, or eat at the many restaurants around town and the boardwalk.
It is suggested to verify the following:
- Sheets and pillows with pillow cases are provided.
- Blankets are not provided.
To register:
• $64.00 per person check or money order made payable to Mike Emond.
• Mail to: Mike Emond, 1367 Glen Moore Circle, Lancaster, PA 17601.
• Include name, address, and phone number(s) for each registrant.
• Be sure to contact Mike Emond 1-203-506-9275 / e-mail welmondm @ yahoo.com to ensure that your communication containing check and registrant contact information was received.
For more info contact:
Mike Emond / 1-203-506-9275 / e-mail welmondm @ yahoo.com -or-
Timmy Shawn Quade / 1- 717-392-5316 /
email:MontanaQuade @ yahoo.com -or-
Autumn / email: colorsofautumn3 @ yahoo.com .
praise and worship on the beach
Name: The Free Spirits Dance Sponsored by:Dance Time of New JerseyStudio
Location: Green Tree Executive Campus,
3003 Lincoln Drive West, Unit D, Evesham, New Jersey (NJ) 08053MAP Contact (singles): Dave 1-856-468-6672 or Hank 1-609-433-0199 if you have any questions.
Day and time of main meeting: Last Saturday, 7:00-11:00 PM, social, dancing. General types of activities: Social, dancing.(PDF)print flyer & map
Name: Young Adults(18-30ish)
Sponsored by:Fellowship
Baptist Church
Location: 1520 Hainesport Road, Mount
Laurel, New Jersey (NJ) 08054-9552
Contact (church): phone 856-235-1697 / fax 856-642-3909
Name: Singles ?? Sponsored by:Gloucester
County Community Church
Location: 359 Chapel Heights Road, Sewell,
New Jersey (NJ)08080-1871 (Washington
Contact (church): phone (856) 582-0222 / fax (856) 582-9228 / email: gccc@gcccpray.com ?? Contact (A.N.C.H.O.R.'s Singles): Wes
Hughes 856-794-3491 / e-mail Wes at ptlrusaved@aol.com ?? ?? Contact (A.N.C.H.O.R.'s Singles): Sandy
856-346-4346 ?? ?? Contact (singles): 856-582-0222, ext.
232 ??
Name: Single Adult MinistryMinistries
Sponsored by: Chews
United Methodist Church
Location: 319 Black Horse Pike,Glendora,
New Jersey (NJ) 08029
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 152, 319 Black Horse Pike,Glendora,
New Jersey (NJ) 08029
Contact (church): phone 856-939-1007
Contact (singles): Dot and Walt Trout / (856) 783-1048
Contact: Event Line: 856-227-4362 for updates and cancellations. Directions Description: A ministry for people who are single or recently single, to offer community and healing ministry through group support, Bible study, and other group activities. Day and time of main meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 pm, Support Group. 4th Tuesday, 8:00 pm, Singles Fellowship
Bible Study, Single and single
again persons invited. 3rd Saturday, Group Activity, Call two weeks before that Saturday to check on what is planned.
Adults (in Absecon) Sponsored by:Beacon Evangelical Free Church Location: 420 South Sixth Avenue, Galloway
Township, New Jersey (NJ) 08201
Contact: Pastor Craig Jenkins - (609) 748-0001
United Methodist Church
Location: 201 Dayton Avenue, (Park and Dayton Avenues),Collingswood,
NJ Contact: Toni Panepinto 856-429-9678
/ Bill Bowers 856-869-9148
Contact (church): phone (856) 858-1186 / email: FUMC@fumccollingswood.org/Directions Call church for singles information.
Name: St. Peter’s Christian
Singles Club (Age 21+) Sponsored by:St.
Peter’s RC Church
Location: 43 W. Maple Street, Merchantville,
New Jersey (NJ) 08109
Contact: Jim Esposito (856) 547-3772 / email: Jim wa2lyz@hotmail.com/John
(856) 663-3759.
Day and time of main meeting: Call or email for times and events.
Dates and locations vary, Merchantville,NJ General types of activities: trips, dances,
game nights, video nights, dinner, etc.
Name: Single
Again Support and Recovery Sponsored by:St.
John's United Methodist Church
Location: 147 Ganttown Road, Turnersville,
New Jersey (NJ)08012 Contact: Nancy at 856-589-2208 Day and time of main meeting: Every Thursday, 7:00 - 8:30
PM, Second floor, Room 202 General types of activities: This is
a support/recovery group for widowed, separated,
in the process of divorce, divorced and still trying to find their
way as a single person.
Name: Cape May Christian Singles Address: 318 Shore Road, Ocean
View, New Jersey (NJ) 08230 Contact: Tim 609-886-2027
Name: Cape
Catholic Singles, Cape May, NJ08204 Contact: Mary 609-889-1471 / email: summermagoo@yahoo.com